Thursday, April 24, 2008

Punkin' Doodle and Boo

I often get the question, How did you come up with the name Punkin' Doodle Boo? So for those of you who don't know where my funny little name Punkin' Doodle Boo came from... I am very pleased to introduce you to my beautiful Punkin Doodle and my handsome Boo!
"Punkin Doodle" is the nickname, my now very slender daughter, was appropriately christened with as an infant. She was a chunker! We had to clean in between the rolls of baby fat with Qtips, LOL :). Boo is a nickname, given to my son, on the day he was born, because of his big beautiful eyes, long eyelashes and tiny nose. He was very startled to be out of the womb! I was in labor, at the hospital for 2 1/2 days when they finally went it to get him!
Anyway, I took this picture of my babies yesterday, but they aren't my babies anymore... Boo will be 9 in a few short days and Punkin Doodle will be 7 shortly after.

Monday, April 21, 2008

AND the AWARD goes to....

I have been a bit behind in my blogging the last few days :)!

SOOOO, I wanted to announce my selections for "The Award of Excellence". My friend Mo of Wings and Paws Primitives gave me this award and I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to pass it on. I must say that the decision was a very tough one. There is so much talent out there and so many wonderful artists that I have gotten to know. These wonderful ladies are very gifted and very deserving of this award :).

Flora~Bone Head Studios

Dani~ Ambitions Design

Dawn~Odd Fae and Autumn Things

Sheila~Pieces of Me

Jamie~ Peach Street Prims

Saturday, April 19, 2008

PDB Veggie People now on EBAY :)!

Stop by EBAY and do a search for UHAT to check out all the fun Veggie People offerings now through the 26th! I think I might be a couple of days early (I was excited!), but there should be lots of artists taking part next week. Here is a little taste of what I currently have listed! You can click on the link below ont he left hand side to check out my offerings.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Yeah! Lookie, Lookie at what I got!

My new blogger friend (a very talented artist in her own right), Ms. Melissa (Mo) of Wings and Paws Primitives, mentioned me recently on her wonderful blog. Mo recently awarded me an "Award of Excellence" for the Punkin' Doodle Boo Blog.
Thank you so much Mo! What a flattering recognition :)!

I am now charged with finding 5 excellent blogs to award this high honor. I will be annoucing those recipients this week :)!

New UHAT Challenge coming up!

Many of you know that I belong to a very kewl group called UHAT (Unique Halloween Art Treasures). UHAT began as an EBAY Promotional Group but we have recently branched out include ETSY :). Just do a search on EBAY for UHAT or do a tag search on ETSY.
As a group, we are doing a Spring challenge Called " UHAT Challenge Veggie People". Set to launch on April 21st, be sure to check out this very talented groups offerings.
I have some fun little things that I am currently working on for the challenge. I am doing a very cute set of jointed, nodder ornies and a cool painted wooden bowl.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Punkin Doodle Boo's Big "PFATT" Giveaway!

As many of you know, I am new to PFATT Marketplace this month! In celebration, I am doing a big GIVEAWAY for all my returning and new readers! To enter, just post your comments here and, when you do, you will be entered in my drawing on May 10th! Even better, if you mention this giveaway on your own blog or website, you will be entered twice :)!
As a prize, I am giving away "Peter Punkin' Eater" (pictured here)!


Thursday, April 3, 2008

New Stuff for PFATT! Love to hear what ya'll think!

I have been sculpting and painting like crazy these last couple of weeks. I have been trying to to get ready for my PFATT debut. I got a little behind last week because my sweet Punkin Doodle had influenza! Poor kid, had to be during her Spring Break too! I have to say, she was a total trooper though, not one complaint :o). However, as a result, I can now recite and sing every song from both High School Musical 1 and 2! Can I get a 'FAB-U-LOUS sooo FAB-U-LOUS'? HEE HEE!
Hope everyone is enjoying the early days of Spring! Hugs! Katie

Soon to be on EBAY! Juggling Kitty...

I originally sculpted this little guy for PFATT, but I think he will be an EBAY auction. I hope to have him up shortly with some new ACEOs!